Get to Know Areeya

Sustainable Happiness

" We are dedicated to creating continuous and sustainable growth in happiness. "

Mr. Viwat Lauhapoonrangsi

Senior Chairman , Areeya Property Public Company Limited,
the origins of the project, “Sustainable Happiness.”

I am responsible for my work because a sustainable country is achieved through taking responsibility.

So, if I develop high-quality real estate projects hand in hand with environmental and health consciousness, creating communities with minimal problems, it will not only benefit the country but also provide residents with a complete quality of life.


" Building sustainable happiness within a high-quality community. "

Because buying a home is equivalent to purchasing a good quality of life, stemming from a generous community that thrives together harmoniously through a healthy environment and well-being. This is the core of building sustainable happiness, and Areeya Property Public Company Limited understands this importance and has firmly held it as the cornerstone of our business operations for a long time, accompanied by innovative construction for a quality residential experience.

“Sustainable Happiness” Concept

Innovations that create happiness while considering the stakeholders and the importance of the community are crucial. Therefore, we are determined and focused on creating sustainable happiness in collaboration with stakeholders in 6 groups to build enduring happiness together.


Happy Builders

Workers or Laborers


Happy Homeowners 

Employees or Homeowners


Happy Resients

Consumers or Residents


Happy Neighbors

Contractors or Construction Material Partners


Happy Environment

Environment or Alternative Energy


Happy Society

Society and Nearby Communities of the Project


Currently, the waste we generate daily has accumulated to become a global problem that requires collective efforts to address. The excessive amount of waste is impacting human life and other living beings, both through pollution caused by escaped waste into natural environments and the global warming effect due to the release of methane gas, a greenhouse gas produced from landfills.

Therefore, Areeya has volunteered to be a part of saving the world with the Recycle Time application, which helps our homeowners separate their waste. With successful results in the past 5 years, from 2018 to 2023, we have managed to collect a total of 279,993 kilograms or 279.99 metric tons of waste, equivalent to the weight of 37 elephants. This has helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 395,530.28 kgCO2, which is equivalent to planting 43,948 trees or 879 rai of land.

From the simple act of separating waste that everyone can do at home through the Recycle Time app, to these small steps that will make the world a better place, Areeya aims to continue doing these good deeds for the environment and sustainable happiness, following the concept of ‘Sustainable Happiness.’